1° WEBINARTutte le tue domande al Veterinario + 2 ore di formazione e utili consigli per la gestione quotidiana del cavallo.
30 Marzo, ore 18 ISCRIVITI SUBITO
26 Luglio 2024


Tutti gli articoli qui presenti sono stati pubblicati in oltre un ventennio e fino al 1 Giugno 2020

ANCCE REPORTS 2019: Più di 150.000 cavalli spagnoli sono stati valutati genericamente e la loro conformità e genealogia disponibile sia su web che sull’app dedicata.

More than 150,000 Purebred Spanish  Horses have been genetically assessed in 2019
Each and every one of these assessments—almost 150,000 for Conformation Aptitudes for Dressage and some 15,000 for Dressage—have just been published for each of horses on file at the Purebred Spanish Horse Stud Book (LG ANCCE PRE).
Consult them now on the web or App.
The PRE Breeding Program Management Commission through its continued efforts to share genetic improvement and progress in future generations and to improve both stud farm productivity and its completive edge while at the same time guaranteeing business feasibility, the PRE Stud Book has published the respective file for each horse on its web site.  
This file includes all of the genetic data for the horses assessed to date, both for Dressage as well as Conformation Aptitude for Dressage.   
Thus, breeders may select those breeding horses that are to their interests to obtain descendants with specific traits.  
In turn, this allows them to move forward thanks to genetic selection.
This year, 149,993 genetic assessments have been published for Conformation Aptitudes for Dressage; of these, 56,928 were stallions and 93,065 mares.
For each horse, the genetic assessment for thirty-seven (37) different traits has been published, in addition to their Global Genetic Index.
With regards to Dressage, 14,734 genetic assessments have been published, of which 6,344 were stallions and 8,390 mares.
For each horse, the genetic values for seven (7) variables and the Global Genetic Index have been published.
Those horses meeting the established requirements may seek any one of the genetic categories listed in the Breeding Program.
The files of these horses will be published in the 2019 Breeding Catalog, as well as being incorporated into the various LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book Registers. 
Any breeder and/or technician in the sector may access this information and consult the traits that these horses transmit to their descendants for all of the characteristics assessed.  
Accordingly, those breeding horses that are of greatest interest to obtain progeny with specific traits may be chosen.  
Nevertheless, it is necessary to know the genetic values to the selected horses in advance, as each parent transmits 50% of his/her genetic information to the next generation. 
By publishing all available genetic values, and not only for the horses listed in the Breeding Stock Catalog, an extremely useful tool has been made available to breeders.
This tool contributes to selection of breeding stock and the genetic improvement of their stud farms, and there for the PRE breed in general.


Dirección de Comunicación
Medios de prensa de ANCCE.
ANCCE Cortijo de cuarto (Viejo) Sevilla, 41014 Spain

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