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Tutti gli articoli qui presenti sono stati pubblicati in oltre un ventennio e fino al 1 Giugno 2020

Nuovo regolamento di gara per l’edizione 2019 della ANCCE Cup di dressage

Grazie ad un accordo di sponsorizzazione con COVAP, il nuovo nome apparirà sul circuito della competizione: ANCCE COVAP Cup per Dressage
I membri a pieno titolo godono di uno sconto del 30% sulle entrate per i loro cavalli

The newest version of the 2019 ANCCE Cup for Dressage Rules was published on the ANCCE website just a few minutes ago.  
The novelty this year is that after having signed a sponsorship agreement with COVAP animal feed, this event has been renamed and will now be known as: ANCCE COVAP Cup for Dressage.
Once again, the Rules contemplate a 30% discount for all Full-fledged members of ANCCE when entering their horses in this event.  
There are a number of changes.  
Although there are a number of points, the most outstanding include a  new score sheet for the qualification system; the possibility of other countries requesting competitions within the framework of the ANCCE COVAP Cup with a single ranking that would include all participants, independently of the countries where they compete; an extra place to qualify for the ANCCE COVAP Cup Final, going from 10 horses qualified to 11; at Freestyle (Kür) levels (Prix St Georges, Grand Prix, Juveniles & Young Riders), the averages earned at each test will not count for the qualification, but rather, the average on the first day will count for the pair (horse+rider).
Remember that the dates for qualification rounds fall between January 1 and October 20, 2019.  
It is mandatory that pairs make at least two (2) appearances in the arena (possible incidences that may arise during participation and whether or not these are reason for qualification are also indicated) with the specifics listed in the Rules. 
Finally, there is a new request form for those eligible for the 30% discount, which is applicable to Full-fledged members of ANCCE when entering their horses.  
This form may be downloaded, as well as the new Rules.
Dirección de Comunicación
© 2019 ANCCE ·  Recibe este correo al estar incluido en la lista de medios de prensa de ANCCE. 
ANCCE Cortijo de cuarto (Viejo) Sevilla, 41014 Spain

ANNCE www.ancce.es

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